Deal Brothers

Deal Brothers Frequently Asked Questions

Where do you find the deals that you post each day?

The deals that we post literally come from all over the world. Our editors are constantly scouring the web, spotting the best deals from online and offline merchants. Our readers also send in deal emails each day as part of our Share The Deals campaign to spread the word about the best Deals on the web.

  • What if I find a better deal?

    Let us know! As part of our Share The Deals campaign, we actively enlist our readers to share information about any deals they come across, Mac related or otherwise. Some of the best deals come from readers like yourself. We also regularly feature contests for readers who submit deals. Just send any deal information you have to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address), the Deal Brothers.

  • How long do the deals that you post last?

    As you can imagine, the better the deal is, usually the faster it expires or sells out. We archive all of the deals we post, so you can always search our archives to try and locate a deal on what you're looking for. Just be aware that you'll often run into deals that are no longer valid.

  • How often do you update Deal Brothers?

    We update our deals on a daily basis, Monday through Friday. Friday's deals stay up on the site through the weekend.

  • I'm a vendor, will you post my deals? Are there any fees?

    You bet! We get emails every day from vendors all over the web. Just email your deals to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) and our editors will review them. If the deal you send over is a good deal, we'll post it for our readers to view. If we know of a better deal on a product or service you are contacting us about, we'll let you know about it so you can consider meeting or beating the better deal. There are no fees involved in getting your deals listed on

  • How come popcorn tastes so much better at the movies?

    We don't know, it just does. ;-)

  • What if I have a problem with a product or a vendor who's deal you list?

    While we make every effort to insure that the vendors we list on our site are reputable, since we are not affiliated with any vendors, we cannot be responsible for their products, services or actions in any way. That being said, we would like to hear from you if you do encounter a problem so that we can forward the information to the vendor. Vendors who do not resolve customers service issues in a timely manner will not be listed on

    Have a question that we didn't answer here? Just send an email to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) and we'll get right back to you.


    Recent Deals - Updated September 4th

    Site News
    Three Things Are Important … Stay tuned! - Sat, 12:36 PM
    11” MacBook Air 1.6GHz dual-core Intel Core i5:  $999.00 Delivered - Fri, 4:58 AM
    Apple 11.6” MacBook Air dual-core Intel Core i7 - 4GB:  $1619.00 Delivered - 4:55 AM
    Workstation Repair Tool Kit:  $69.99 - Start Voiding those Warranties Now! - 4:52 AM
    Apple 13.3” MacBook Pro dual-core Intel Core i5 2.4GHz:  $1118.99 Delivered - 4:51 AM
    11” MacBook Air 1.6 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo:  $929.00 Delivered - 4:42 AM
    iMac 21.5-inch 2.5GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i5:  $999.00 Delivered - 4:36 AM
    Hot Deal
    Amazon’s Lightning Deals - A new one every 2 hours!!!! - 4:19 AM
    Mac mini w/Lion Server 2.0GHz quad-core Intel Core i7:  $1019.00 Delivered - 4:17 AM
    MacBook Pro 2.5GHz Quad-core Intel i7:  $2079.00 Delivered - 4:00 AM
    13” MacBook Pro 2.4GHz Dual-core Intel i5:  $1019.00 Delivered - 4:00 AM
    Fujifilm FinePix HS30EXR 16MP Digital Camera:  $395.00 Delivered - Thu, 11:33 AM

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